St. James CHS Raises $30,000 in Relay For Life Campaign

St. James Catholic High School’s annual Relay For Life event raised nearly $30,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society.

Returning to an in-person celebration for the first time since prior to COVID-19, students gathered at the school to take turns walking around the track to symbolize the perseverance and action needed to change the future of cancer.

“The return was awesome. After not doing it for a few years we realized the majority of the student body didn't know what this event was or have even heard about it,” shared Jeff Campagnolo, teacher at St. James CHS. “For many students this is a major event they look forward to each school year and was amazing to see the school community come together.”

Campagnolo’s Grade 12 Leadership class planned and facilitated the event. Covering all aspects from registration, fundraising and organizing logistics of the day.

“The class was split into different groups that were in charge of different aspects of the event. This is included marketing - making announcements, social media, a hype video, and classroom visits. Entertainment - having students take charge of the events and games. Fundraising to meet and surpass our goals. Logistics in getting the food trucks and materials needed for the event,” he explained. “We spent one day a week working on the Relay beginning in March. Students would present to the class what they are working on and allow all groups to collaborate on what needed to be done.”

For the students who did participate in Relay for Life in prior in person years, it was a welcome return to the festivities of the day.

“We had a student singing in the morning as our opening entertainment, an opening ceremony including a survivor speaking who was our English teacher, Maria Zicarelli,” said Campagnolo. “Outside we had a number of activities including a survivor lap, face painting, pie in the face contest,  a can jam, spike ball and luminary decorating.”

The school community has pledged this year’s campaign efforts and looks forward to planning next year’s event.

To learn more about the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, please visit